Yes,I'm back.laptop giving problems.Yes,that's why I didnt update the pictures,girls!hahah!not that im lazy!! Anyway my Holidays are great.Despite some things that occured at home. Anyway,Im plain lazy to type.Okaaay,So during the hols,I went to sentosa with my lovely girls,went to JB again and again,went out ..and lotsa things.I cant remember though.well,Pictures says it all below.So,till next time.
Sentosa .
HAHA!cari ape tu Qia?
2D1N JB trip.
@ Puteri pacific Hotel .
breakfast !
Manhattan in Fish Market.
Thats the name i guess.Super appetizing!!
A night .
Ending post here!
Damn lazy to upload more.
Cheeros ! ;)
10:53 PM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
In case some of you have not watch the trailer to THE FINAL DESTINATION 4.Here it is! Its going to be in 3D too.Its freaking good.Its going to be out in August,I think.So so impatient!Dont miss it!
11:59 AM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Super weekends.
Hey ho.Been some time since I last updated.I guess.Heh.Well well well. What should I say here.First things first,I fucking fucking miss the chance to go to Bali.well.I rejected at first because Im short of money.Now that I think twice.Its too late.Now my Sis and her two friends are enjoying there.5D4N okay.Cheap somemore.Damn.sigh.No use saying.I love holidays because no waking up early for school and I hate Holidays because there are a guaranteed fucking conflicts at home.Only God knows the obstacles I had to go through .Its painful.Is there anyone in this world living as happy as a swan?tell me.Im clueless on how to explain this.Im living like an ass stranger at home.Except for my little lurp siblings that always make my day.So I am down with no choice but to go out every single day.yeah,and so I went to JB with Nads family.We had a sleepover at her house.Cool.Super cool.I love the food there.Awesome.Especially the ABC;air batu campur.Seedaap.haha.Got ice cream somemore.went for swimming in the morning.Like 73oam.heh.2 people conquer.Shiok eh.Until one damn Uncle shove me off"You cannot swim with the Tshirt,later the chlorine absorbs,then the water got color". Haha.I thought condo swimming rules chinchye.But not.Nonsense.Aku pakai Bikini kang.Baru die senyap.Hahah.and yeah we do alot of camwhorings.Lagi lagi kalau dengan nadiah.Feeling feeling kat NewZealand.Hahaa. Anyway thanks for making my days,Nad!And entertaining my nonsense.=D so and so and so and so.. Was fuckinng bored yesterday.Went to catch a movie,The taking of Pelham 123 with my dearest Palat who sincerely accompany me .heh.Not Bad for the show.Okaylah kan.And so.Pictures ahead.byeee!
PICTURES. lazy to upload more.
4:24 PM
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Living a dull life.
Yeah life ain't fair, but life whether it's fair or not it's still life and that's better than having no life at all. Don't complain. No one is listening, not even me.People might say life sucks or life is full of shit.While other people say life is beautiful.or life is full of surprises.I must say i agree with all those.Life is whatever you think about it and everything you think about it.Life is what you think about it and what you say of it.I sit at home.Screaming at the world for letting me living in this way of life.It's sad how people think you can't grow when you already grew.
Okay anyway,these are some due pictures.Went to Dina's Birthday at Cafe del mar.Yes,after work,so i rush from work.took the cab from harbour front.Damn.Wasted 8 bucks.I was lost near the Siloso Point.So I drop somewhere and in the end met my Sis there too.Well,indeed she wasnt too happy.Maybe because Sis wasnt comfortable with her friends.Indeed I felt that too.However since it was her Birthday,put that aside.Wasted.Wasted.I still want to drink.Yet,Sis wants to go off earlier.Urg.okay people.Im lazy to type right now.Pictures explains hor;D
9:00 AM
Monday, June 8, 2009
When you spend your life worrying about how others feel, you lose track of how you feel.
4:23 AM
Jun is crazy.See what he did.
Haha!Whatever lah.Im not minah okay!
12:28 AM
Sunday, June 7, 2009
over the weekends .
Well,what can I say.Maybe we should agree that 2009 isnt that awesome huh?Lotsa problems popping up to and fro.Sure enough I wouldn't want to repeat my mistakes.Damn.My laziness symptom have develop in me again,especially when the holidays are back.With me only supporting myself right now,times hasn't been any better.Lucky for me,my aunt chip in a bit$.
Sigh.How I wish I could still be a baby.When I cry,people around me will be attracted.When Im hungry,I will be fed.Wonnderful.Dream on Qia.
And so,
killing my time during the weekends.
Went to watch movie again!I've been watching too much movies and I still wanna watch more of it.Haha.Yes,I watch 'Drag me to Hell'!You guys must never watch any other movies for right now.This is superb suspend.8/10!Good enough.Only for the camera tricks,abit whatever!And!Watch with someone.heh.and for the upcoming movies!OMG.
There's like The Final Destination,Obsession and Orphan!Can't wait for all these!
And so and so..
I just highlighted my hair.Quite satisfied.There goes my 45 bucks.Went to meet all my lovely friends over the weekend.Meeting some of my girls sooner or later.Sentosa beb!haha.